Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

High XY resolutions. Larger scan volume.

Gocator 3520 is the latest addition to our 5-megapixel stereo snapshot series—featuring an extended field of view and the same high XY resolutions and short exposure times required to achieve fast, metrology-grade scanning and inspection.

The 3520 sensor delivers smart 3D snapshot scanning and inspection into many new applications including robot-driven quality control and stop-and-go part verification.

Piston Bowl Gauging

Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

Gocator® 3520

Powertrain Inspection

Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

Gocator® 3520

Bin Picking (Pick and Place)

Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

Gocator® 3520

Gocator 3520

High XY Resolutions. Larger Scan Volume.
  • Scan, measure, and control at 3 Hz with PC or GoMax accelerator
  • 179 x 115 – 282 x 175 mm field of view (FOV)
  • XY resolution = 0.074 – 0.121 mm
  • Z repeatability = 4.6 microns
  • Measurement Range (MR) = 150 mm
  • Clearance Distance (CD) = 203 mm
  • Combination of high resolution, larger FOV, and brighter projection output ideal for 3D inspection in robot-driven quality control and stop/go part verification
Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

Smart 3D Robot Vision with Gocator®

Gocator® 3D snapshot sensors are certified for integration with
UR3, UR5, UR10, and UR e-series robots—providing robot
vision-guidance, quality control inspection, and automated
assembly with smart pick-and-place.

Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

Metrology-Grade Performance. Inline Inspection Ready.


Easy Robot Integration

Easy robot integration allows you to immediately install the sensor on a robot arm and perform hand-to-eye calibration. Larger fields of view and shorter clearance distances allow users to minimize the travel distances of the robot arm, increasing overall inspection coverage as a result. This design also offers a greater range of robot movement to support various scan angles.
Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

Built-In Hardware Acceleration

In addition to their powerful scanning engines, every Gocator high-resolution structured light 3D snapshot sensor comes with next-generation dual-core controllers, which significantly increase onboard processing speed to match inline production speed.
Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

Stereo Camera Design

The sensor’s 5-megapixel stereo camera design maximizes data capture by triangulating three ways to minimize occlusion.
Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

High Intensity LED Projector

Gocator 3520’s high-intensity LED projector delivers the short exposure times and fast scan rates required to generate high quality scans with minimal motion blur caused by target vibration or movement jitter.

Explore Gocator® 3520 in this exclusive snapshot sensor technology factsheet.

Learn why 3D snapshot sensors are the preferred solution for inspection applications where the target uses start/stop motion, and how these sensors stack up against white light interferometers and confocal microscopes.

Gocator 3520 - HIgh Resolution Extended FOV 3D Snapshot Sensor | LMI Technologies

Ask About Gocator® 3520 Snapshot Sensors

Let’s discuss the benefits of stereo structured light snapshot scanning for inspection applications in robot-driven quality control and stop/go motion part verification.